Ms. Ify Nwabukwu, the CEO and founder of AWCAA always narrates her experience of being a breast cancer survivor. One of the things that stands out in her story is how the disease was detected early. She probably wouldn’t have been here if her breast cancer wasn’t detected at an early stage.
The importance of early detection of breast cancer cannot be overemphasized. Detecting breast cancer at an early stage increases the chances of one surviving from the disease. At this stage it is easier to manage, treat and less expensive.
With these in mind, AWCAA in partnership with Breast Care for Washington brought a free mammogram screening to our community.
On October 20, 2020, a mammo-van was brought to our headquarter office in Maryland for women from 40 and above to be screened. We are excited about this partnership because it is not going to be a one-time event.
The subsequent dates for free mammogram screening at our AWCAA office are as follows:
Tuesday, March 23, 2021; Time: 9:00 Am- 2:00 PM
Tuesday, May 4, 2021;Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 24, 2021;Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Tuesday, November 5, 2021;Time: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
One of our goals at AWCAA is to reduce the breast cancer mortality rate among African immigrant communities. We have seen that one effective way to do that is to ensure that breast cancer is detected early. We are glad that we are reaching this goal through this mammography screening. We are excited about this partnership and are looking forward to the next one.